April 2013: Please see entries from The Yellow Group. The students in the silver group have been working with the yellow group starting in April 2013.
Weeks of 2/25/2013, 3/4/2013, 3/11/2013, and 3/18/2013: The silver group continues to work on self-monitoring production and implementing strategies for healthy speech. However, constant reminders are often required for increasing clarity and intelligibility. The various activities include: reading phonics based and/or comprehension activities or answering/asking questions related to various topics.
Weeks of 2/4/2013, 2/11/2013, and 2/18/2013: The silver group continues to work on
self-monitoring speech production. In addition target phonics skills are incorporated into the sessions in order to practice classroom skills while producing smooth and healthy speech.
Weeks of 1/21/2013 and 1/28/2013: Working on smooth and healthy speech while spelling words with target phonics pattern (long o) and using them in sentences, selecting the appropriate high frequency words to place within a sentence, and reading simple sentences and determining if was/were should be selected.
Weeks of 1/7/2013 and 1/14/2013: Continues to work on appropriate production of healthy and smooth speech and self-analysis and use of strategies to produce intelligible and clear sentences.
Weeks of 12/10/2012 and 12/17/2012: Over the past two weeks the silver group has used target /h/ words and words that contained target phonics patterns to self-generate a story. They have also categorized words that contained their
target speech sounds and target phonics patterns in the classroom (-wh, -ch,
-tch). On our last group before break we completed a holiday cloze activity
where the students were asked to select various holiday vocabulary words from a
word bank and use these to practice production of smooth speech.
Weeks of 11/26/2012 and 12/3/2012: Self-analysis skills are improving. A list of /h/ words have been targeted in order to improve easy onset of new strategies for improved vocal quality. The /h/ target words have been implemented at the word level as well as within short phrases. Speech fluency has been addressed during questioning about target skills of predicting and comparing/contrasting as well as during production of words with target phonics patterns.
Weeks of 11/5/2012 and 11/12/2012: Self-analysis on a graphic organizer has continued to be a large area of focus. The students are improving in their ratings of their speech production. Activities have included high frequency vocabulary and production of sentences with words containing their target phonics patterns.
Weeks of 10/22/2012 and 10/29/2012: Self-analysis has continued to be a large focus over the past two weeks. Students were reminded of strategies they could use in order to produce smooth and easy speech. They worked on producing sentences containing sounds with their target phonics patterns /sh/ and /th/. They also worked on smooth and easy speech when answering questions about Halloween vocabulary and a Halloween story.
Weeks of 10/8/2012 and 10/15/2012: Over the past two weeks the silver group has worked on using smooth and easy speech in order to work on determining if words that contained their phonics pattern. If the words were part of the weeks pattern then they were used in sentences. The students also worked on retelling events from stories using healthy voice and speech production. In addition, they worked on self-analysis and describing characteristics of their speech.
Week of 10/1/2012: This week the silver group began working on books to assist them with the production of smooth and easy speech.
Week of 9/24/2012: This week the silver group worked on strategies while reviewing the blends addressed this week in reading "cr," "gr," and "tr." They worked on implementing their strategies while producing oral and written sentences with words containing their target blends.
Week of 9/17/2012:This week the silver group worked on strategies while reviewing their phonics sound of the week short /i/. They matched words containing short /i/ to a variety of pictures and made up sentences with these words implementing strategies.
Week of 9/10/2012: This week the silver group continued working on strategies for appropriate speech production and self-analysis while reviewing their first grade learning goals. The group also practiced reading from the good fit books they had selected in order to use their strategies and improve their overall speech production.
Week of 9/3/2012: This week the silver group worked on self-analysis of speech and voice when talking about a good fit book. They also worked on producing sentences and determining which speech strategies they used to produce a clear sentence.
Week of 8/27/2012: This week the silver group reviewed their learning goals and strategies. The students completed an activity where they determined two items which went together and worked on their speech when discussing the relationship of the two items.
Week of 8/20/2012: This week the silver group worked on discussing their learning goals. They also were reminded of specific strategies which were helpful to improving their speech during last school year. The students completed an activity where they illustrated a picture about their summer and shared it with their group members. The students also completed an activity where they needed to find the differences in a series of pictures.
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