
Month of April: The students have continued to work on production of their sounds during reading and writing activities. The students have increased their accuracy for retelling a fiction story, however they still have difficulty when retelling non-fiction texts. 

Weeks of 2/25/2013, 3/4/2013, 3/11/2013, and 3/18/2013:  Retelling and writing continue to be the main areas of focus for the gold group. The students have also worked on writing book reports related to a book that they are reading in their classroom. In addition reading vocabulary has been reviewed and the student's have worked on self generating sentences and illustrating pictures that represent their vocabulary.

Weeks of 2/4/2013, 2/11/2013, and 2/18/2013: The gold group continues to work on reading, writing, and retelling to practice their target articulation sounds. A variety of fiction and non-fiction texts as well as new styles of graphic organizers have been used over the past three weeks to continue to assist the students as they work on speech sounds in reading, writing, and conversation.

Weeks of 1/21/2013 and 1/28/2013: The gold group has continued to work on their target articulation sounds while reading a variety of short stories and retelling the stories using their own words. The groups overall self-awareness of production of sounds orally and within writing has improved, however prompting is still required occasionally.

Weeks of 1/7/2013 and 1/14/2013: The gold group has continued to work on writing and retelling related to the activities within the classroom.  They have also continued to work on increasing their awareness of appropriate sound production.

Weeks of 12/10/2012 and 12/17/2012: Over the past two weeks the gold group has continued to work on their speech in writing and their speech at the sentence and conversational levels when generating ideas, answering questions, and retelling a story.

Weeks of 11/26/2012 and 12/3/2012: The students have continued to work on production of their target sounds during both writing and reading activities. The reading has focused on the skills of inferencing and cause and effect.

Weeks of 11/5/2012-11/12/2012: The students have worked on writing sentences and spelling words containing their target sounds. They have continued to practice speech while reading and retelling stories which target inferencing. In addition, the group has looked for words in crossword puzzles and word searches during a drill based articulation activity.

Weeks of 10/22/2012 and 10/29/2012: Since the grade level reading skill has been sequencing for the past two weeks, this was the focus of our speech groups. The students worked on practicing their articulation of target sounds while reading stories. Then, they used sequencing vocabulary (e.g., first, then, next, and last) to retell the stories using their own words. The group also worked on writing about their stories and looking over their work to make sure they used appropriate spelling.

Weeks of 10/8/2012 and 10/15/2012: Over the past two weeks the gold group has worked on using vocabulary words from their reading unit in sentences to practice articulation. They have also worked on retelling stories by writing on graphic organizers and manipulating a series of pictures to retell the story in their own words and practice conversational speech.

Week of 10/1/2012: This week the gold group worked on practicing production of target sounds while reading and retelling a story. They also were given the opportunity to highlight and point to words containing their target sound(s) when filling in graphic organizers and answering a variety of questions.

Week of 9/24/2012: This week the gold group worked on practicing production of target sounds while reading and answering questions. They also were given the opportunity to highlight and point to words containing their target sound(s) and use these words in sentences.

Week of 9/17/2012: This week the gold group worked on the writing projects that they were currently working on in their classroom. Each of the students read the phrases and sentences they were placing on their graphic organizer in order to practice target sound production. Each of the students also identified where their sounds were in their writing.

Week of 9/10/2012: This week the gold group read from their social studies text book about a community in order to practice their target sounds while reading. They also worked on writing sentences about a community that they would like to create.

Week of 9/3/2012: This week the gold group continued to work on production of target sounds while writing sentences when selecting words from a list that contained their target sounds. The group also used the word lists to make a silly story containing their sounds. The stories were sent home for practice this week.

Week of 8/27/2012: This week the gold group discussed various tips to assist with the production of their target sounds. They used these tips as they determined a word with their target sound in it, stated the position of their sound, and produced the target word in a sentence. The group also discussed different examples of ways in which they could show good citizenship. A game board with a variety of qualities of good and bad citizenship was given to each student. The students were asked to highlight their target sounds on each square of the game and highlight each box that showed the qualities of a good citizen. The game boards were sent home on 8/30/2012 for additional practice.

Week of 8/20/2012:  This week the gold group worked on identifying the target sounds they need to work on this school year. The students also wrote about their summer and highlighted their target sounds within their writing. They all practiced production of the /r/ sound when playing a game with comparatives and superlatives.

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