Weeks of 2/25/2013, 3/4/2013, 3/11/2013, and 3/18/2013: **This will be the last entry for the red group for the 2012-2013 school year. ** The students in this group have made such great progress and their pragmatic (social) skills are being monitored in the classroom by their teachers. The children were encouraged to continue to use the various skills and lessons discussed during group in the classroom. The last few sessions focused on: turn taking; self-generating answers to higher order thinking questions related to the students' reading unit; answering questions related to safe choices to make during different types of situations/drills (e.g., fire, etc.) that may occur during the school day.
Weeks of 2/4/2013, 2/11/2013, and 2/18/2013: The red group has worked on turn taking while reading IPICK books, answering critical thinking questions about an article, the importance of citing evidence from the text while reading a book, and appropriate choices to make in the classroom or while going on a class field trip.
Weeks of 1/21/2013 and 1/28/2013: The red group has worked on self-generating sentences using their target vocabulary words, self-generating stories about problem solving during a time when appropriate social skills were needed. In addition, they have worked on answering critical thinking questions.
Weeks of 1/7/2013 and 1/14/2013: The red group has worked on appropriate gestures and non-verbal cues during conversation. They have also continued to work on self-generation of ideas when formulating sentences with their vocabulary words.
Weeks of 12/10/2012 and 12/17/2012: Over the past two weeks the red group has worked on appropriate
social skills to use when dealing with a difficult situation. They have participated in listening and
following direction activities, practiced turn taking, and self-generation of
ideas when answering a question related to a writing prompt.
Weeks of 11/26/2012 and 12/3/2012: The red group has worked on similes, listening to stories about getting along with their siblings, self-generating ideas for how to talk to their brother and/or sister, and self-generating their own story about how they problem solved during a difficult situation with their sibling.
Weeks of 11/5/2012 and 11/12/2012: The red group worked on self-generating stories and answering questions about a social story that talked about appropriate behavior for walking in a line. The group also talked about idioms and completed an activity where they had to determine if the appropriate meaning for an idiom was given as well as an activity where they needed to select the meaning for a series of idioms.
Weeks of 10/22/2012 and10/29/2012: The red group has worked on listing strategies and making flow charts for appropriate strategies to use when material is presented that they don't understand. They have also thought of a series of steps to take when they encounter a situation where they want to shout out and/or interrupt the group.
Weeks of 10/8/2012 and 10/15/2012: Over the past two weeks the stories about giving and receiving compliments were shared with the group. The skills of handling a variety of emotions as well as determining strategies to use when new material is presented and is difficult for children to understand were discussed.
Week of 10/1/2012: This week the red group wrote their stories about giving and/or receiving a compliment.
Week of 9/24/2012: This week the red group talked about giving and receiving a compliment. They also took turns talking about the books they were reading in the classroom during IPICK time.
Week of 9/17/2012: This week the red group began writing original stories related to the social skill of turn taking. Each student wanted to write what turn taking looks like prior to self-generating a story about children who were not taking turns appropriately and the solution that occurred.
Week of 9/10/2012: This week the red group continued to work on turn taking when listening to a variety of social stories on taking turns and answering a series of questions. The group members expressed an interest in making their own personal series of books on the social skills being addressed in group and this will begin next week!
Week of 9/3/2012: This week the red group continued to look at a series of picture scenes and self-generate a scenario for each of the pictures. The students then decided if the children in the picture were displaying "good" or "bad" social skills and explained why they had selected that answer choice. The group also worked on taking turns during conversation and using an appropriate amount of wait time.
Week of 8/27/2012: This week the red group worked on providing examples of "good" and "bad" social skills. They also looked at a series of picture scenes and determined if the children in the scene were using "good" or "bad" social skills and provided feedback as to why they selected their answer choice.
Week of 8/20/2012: This week the red group worked on discussing expectations and the purpose of the group. An activity was completed and the students were encouraged to be original and creative when answering questions about their summer. The students shared answers and worked on using appropriate eye contact and asking/answering questions and making comments about each members summer experience.
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