Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Comparing and Contrasting

Here are some great questions to ask your child to help them as they think about various attributes when working on comparing and contrasting at home:

In what group or category would we find these items/words?
- What does it look like? What does it sound like? What does it smell like? What is it made of? (e.g., size, shape, color, number, pattern, material, parts, etc.)
- What can each item do?  -Can you use it? -If yes, how?
- Can people make these things? Do they come from nature? Are they living?
- Does it have feelings? /   -How do they feel? 
- Where do you find or keep each item?
- Can we eat or drink them? If yes, what does it taste like?

 Here is a visual that may be helpful for children to refer to as they work on developing this concept: